News From Big Bend Pool
In 1992, poachers dynamited the Big Bend Pool on Steamboat Creek, killing many fish on the river’s most important spawning tributary, and threatening the long-term viability of the river’s wild fish stock. The Foundation led an effort to raise a reward to lead to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators. and acquired high-tech monitoring equipment to help catch and successfully prosecute poachers. Each year since 1992, the Foundation has funded a guardian to stay at the pool from May until the end of November.
A Winter View of the Steamboat Watershed
Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary Legislation Passes the Senate!
The North Umpqua Foundation has been pleased to help Pacific Rivers financially over the years to honor this great couple!Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary Legislation Passes the Senate! Dear Friends of Pacific Rivers, We’re a big step closer to...
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 UPDATE FOR OCTOBER 11.03.18 Edward Kikumoto ANECDOTAL & HEARSAY RECOLLECTIONS October is general "gun" hunting season in these woods for deer and elk so most of the folks running around are hunters. And the rain has finally...
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 UPDATE FOR SEPTEMBER 10.09.18 Edward Kikumoto ANECDOTAL & HEARSAY RECOLLECTIONS A CHANGE IN THE WEATHER AND THE IMMINENT END OF FIRE SEASON! The last week of September brought a change in the weather, with overcast skies and...
09.06.18 Edward Kikumoto ANECDOTAL & HEARSAY RECOLLECTIONS Poaching and unlawful activity at the Big Bend Pool. None in my presence or reported to me. Fish counts. The ODFW (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) diver was in the pool on August 2....
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 UPDATE FOR JULY 08.05.18 Edward Kikumoto ANECDOTAL & HEARSAY RECOLLECTONS Poaching and unlawful activity at Big Bend Pool. None (at least when I was there). Fish counts. At the end of June I was estimating about 100 fish. Just...
FishWatch 2018 June Update
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 June 2018 Update Edward Kikumoto July 4, 2018 FINAL The environmental information that I will be relating to you in this update is hearsay and anecdotal. Someone recently said, "Boring is good," a sentiment, I think, that is...
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 June 2018 Update Edward Kikumoto July 4, 2018
STEAMBOAT FISHWATCH 2018 June 2018 Update Edward Kikumoto July 4, 2018 The environmental information that I will be relating to you in this update is hearsay and anecdotal. Someone recently said, "Boring is good," a sentiment, I think, that is appropriate...
Big Bend Pool Caretaker 2018
Due to the health of his Mother, Lee Spencer is taking a leave of absence from the Big Bend Pool for 2018. A friend of the river, Ed Kikumoto, has agreed to fill those responsibilities for this season. We welcome Ed, who is not a stranger to the pool, as...
New Patent for Dr. Garry Kenny
A second patent for the non-contact collection of fish mucus traveling through fish ladders has been issued to Dr. Garry Kenny (his thirty-third). The two patents (Numbers 9,326,838 and 9,737,387) covering the method and apparatus of the system have been assigned to...