Annual Letter 2021

10/8/2021 Dear Friend of the River,     In our family, what you are reading is called a two-fer, getting two things at the same time. In this case: 1) an update about our annual fundraiser, and 2) our annual summary of accomplishments made possible with your...

Scholarship Recipient

Rich Grost, the head of our scholarship committee, and Eric Stauder, our scholarship recipient. Eric is receiving a $5,000.00 scholarship and a copy of Dan Callaghan’s North Umpqua while standing by the North Umpqua River itself....

Thank you (and a Gift) for Caring

Thank you all for caring about the North Umpqua River Basin. Special thanks to one of our unsung heros, Ed Kikumoto, for all the things he takes care of behind the scenes. We would have a hard time without you! As thanks for your contributions, with any donation of...