Canton Creek Snorkel Surveys (2011-2017)
Executive Summary
During six of the last seven summers, a snorkel survey of Canton Creek (North Umpqua basin) was completed by Phoenix School students and staff, Jeff MacEnroe of the BLM, and Charley, Andrew, and Dylan Dewberry, of the Pacific Rivers Council. Thomas McGregor, Director of work experience at the Phoenix School, coordinated the student participation, and Kelly Coates from the Cow Creek Tribe helped with the snorkeling and snorkel training. The survey included all of the mainstem of Canton Creek to the fourth bridge, Pass Creek, and Mellow Moon Creeks. In addition, several smaller tributaries were surveyed to document steelhead use. During 2017, all the primary stream reaches were surveyed except the last one-half of Mellow Moon. Smoke from adjacent fires made it impossible to complete the survey.