The Phoenix School of Roseburg

As part of our Education and Outreach, TNUF supports programs thru Pacific Rivers and the Phoenix School (alternative high school) to expose students to the aquatic world and help train the next generation of resource stewards.  Students are trained in snorkeling...

Steelhead Genetics Study

The North Umpqua River contains fairly large populations of both winter-run and summer-run steelhead.  While it is possible distinquish the two based on run-timing of adults over Winchester Dam (with some overlap), there is little known about where in the watershed...

OPB Radio Segment

 I wanted to share a piece that we helped organize with OPB that is now live. We expect the radio segment to run on various public stations over the next few weeks. In addition, we just completed a tour with Congressman DeFazio’s DC staff and have a tour planned with...

Steamboaters and friends

Hello all Steamboaters and friends. I just signed the Native Fish Society’s petition “Ask Gov. Brown for wild fish supporters on the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission”. It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link:...