Help Support TNUF!

With AmazonSmile it is now even easier to become a supporter of The North Umpqua Foundation.  The Amazon Smile Program: Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same...

Dennis Black Flies and Equipment

In January of 2015, The Foundation was given flies, hooks, fly tying materials, rods, reel, etc. which resided at Dennis Black’s home on the North Umpqua prior to his death in December of 2013. Dennis was the founder of Umpqua Feather Merchants and his desire was for...

Fish Population in Western Oregon

Fish population and community responses to forest harvest and environmental variability in Western Oregon Written by Leslie Jensen, our current scholarship recipient currently attending Oregon State The latest series of studies to evaluate the effects of contemporary...

Updates on DNA and Genetics Projects

Update on TNUF’s Fish DNA project and a Separate DNA Project: As many of you know, through the combined efforts of Board member, Garry Kenny and Board Advisor, Dr. Michael Miller, the design for a Fish DNA counting machine was developed in 2015. A prototype of the...