Dear Friend of the River,
In our family, what you are reading is called a two-fer, getting two things at the same time. In this case: 1) an update about our annual fundraiser, and 2) our annual summary of accomplishments made possible with your continuing support.
First, our annual meeting and fundraising event has once again been changed from a luxurious river banquet to a virtual event. In July, we sent out Save the Date cards; however, as the spike of COVID cases rose, we could not guarantee the safety of our guests and the staff at Steamboat Inn, so the decision sadly was made to cancel the banquet. In its place, we are going to hold a ZOOM annual meeting and our first ever online auction (see details at the end of this letter).
Secondly, and despite Covid issues, we have remained relevant and active in the improvement and protection of our river:
FishWatch – Ed Kikumoto and the Air Stream moved to the pool on May 15th and successfully monitored steelhead until forced out by the Jack Fire on July 9th. At that time, there were only fifty-five fish in the Big Bend Pool. About the time Ed thought he would be able to go back to the pool, twenty-one lightning strikes and resultant fires prevented him from doing so. The documentation of these low fish numbers was one of the factors leading to the unprecedented complete angling closure of the North Umpqua in August.
Scholarship – Recently, the board approved a $5,000 scholarship grant to Dave Busby, a master’s student at the University of Montana, to fund his ongoing and cutting-edge research into the impacts of the Archie Creek Wildfire on North Umpqua tributaries.
Habitat Restoration – In the spring, TNUF granted funds to the Umpqua National Forest for replacing the culvert at Wright Creek. While it was not damaged by the Archie Fire, the concern was the small size for the potential run-off caused by the fire. In addition, funds were also donated for native plants which are currently growing at Dorena Genetics Resource Center and will be planted sometime around November. The BLM wetlands and riparian areas in the Archie Creek Fire area were also hard hit by the fire. TNUF has offered $5,000 to purchase and help plant pollinator species seeds and seeds to establish wetland plant species as well, benefitting both fish and bees.
Outreach – Besides our educational kiosk at the Big Bend Pool, we have once again engaged students from the Phoenix School in Roseburg to assist with the Canton Creek snorkel counts until the fires prevented them from continuing their work. Next year, they will also be helping with some of the plantings of the BLM and Forest Service trees mentioned above.
In addition to our four main activities, TNUF has partnered with other conservation groups on two coalitions on the North Umpqua. One to encourage ODFW to pause the summer steelhead production at Rock Creek hatchery for 10 years to allow the wild summer steelhead run to rebound from its disturbingly dwindling numbers. The other coalition was formed to urge the private owners of Winchester Dam to either repair the dam and fish ladder, legally and with permits, or to remove it from the river. You may read the most recent ruling at: https://bit.ly/39v0EQi
All this is only possible with your support, which we strive to earn each year. If you value the North Umpqua as much as we do, please consider TNUF in your estate planning, your year-end tax planning, and please also join/renew your voting membership ($100), or make any amount of contribution, either online via the “Donate Now” feature on our website (please leave your mailing address) or by mailing a check to TNUF, 1224 NE Walnut St, PMB 310, Roseburg, OR 97470.
You can also reach us by email at: thenorthumpquafoundation@gmail.com. We hope you will share your email also, so that we can directly email you future annual reports, board meeting summaries, and reduce that cost and lag time of snail mail letters like this!
Annual Meeting ZOOM: November 17, 2021, at 7:00 pm, please email TNUF if you would like to attend and we will send the link to you.
Online Auction Details:
website 2021 On-line Auction (auctria.com)
Catalog available Nov 1, Open for bidding November 8th – 13th
Items include flies, wines, Traeger package, books, and there will be a raffle for a guide trip with only one hundred tickets at $50 each. Use that $250 you would have spent on our dinner and get some great stuff for you or……gift giving season is coming.
Thank you from the North Umpqua, the TNUF Board, and me,
Becky McRae
President, TNUF