Board members see themselves as “responsible advocates” for the resource. We view the North Umpqua Foundation as a river-focused organization that informs and educates, distills ideas, provides analyses, and serves our donors, the community, and the river. We work to involve people in river appreciation and protection by offering hands-on activities, but also work on behalf of those members living elsewhere who cannot participate directly.

Directors of The North Umpqua Foundation have a set of values that influence how they view the river. Collectively those values help to shape how the Foundation defines itself and conducts its work.
Values include:
- Appreciation of the unique, wild nature and extraordinary landscape of the North Umpqua River, especially compared to experiences living and working in urban areas.
- The need to tread lightly in choices we make about recreating and living on the river.
- The experience and belief that river lovers are wonderful people.
- Emphasis on working collaboratively to seek workable solutions.
- Belief that there is more to life than economic activity; that nature is food for the soul, and we are diminished without its contact.
- Education is essential, and media involvement is critical.
- Belief that rivers should function as naturally as possible.
- Belief that the North Umpqua River is a national treasure, and greater protection will come from letting more people know about it.
The North Umpqua Foundation Scholarship
The North Umpqua Foundation Scholarship Program provides financial assistance for students working toward a career goal in fisheries science, aquatic ecology or related fields. For more information about this generous scholarship, download the following information.
The North Umpqua Foundation has assembled a talented, multi-disciplinary board of dedicated conservationists who live in the Umpqua Basin or have strong connections to the watershed. Board members include:
Becky McRae
President - Glide, OR
David Treskey
Vice President - Myrtle Creek, OR
Rich Grost
Idleyld Park, OR
Keith Bendix
Salem, OR
Jeff Johnson
Redmond, WA
Chuck Schnautz
Treasurer - Idleyld Park, OR
Michael Morrison
Secretary - Portland, OR
Karl Konecny
Glide, OR
Grady McRae
Beaverton, OR
Paul Nadeau
Portland, OR
Jim Lichatowich
Columbia City, OR
Michael Miller, PhD.
Sacramento, CA
Pat Lee
Idleyld Park, OR
Jeff Dose
Roseburg, OR
Ed Kikumoto
Big Bend Pool Fish Guardian
For information on how you can help preserve this wonderful river please email us or write to:
The North Umpqua Foundation 1224 NE Walnut St, PMB 310 Roseburg, Oregon 97470