by Edward Kikumoto
The views and opinions in this report are strictly my own, and do not reflect the views and opinions of the U.S. Forest Service, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, or The North Umpqua Foundation.
Greetings from the Big Bend Pool, Steamboat Creek, in the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area (established March 12, 2019).
Closure Update
On July 16, Tuesday, a dry lightning thunderstorm passed over the eastern half of the Umpqua National Forest including Steamboat Creek Basin in the early evening. It eventually resulted in 33 wildfires in the eastern half of the Umpqua National Forest, and 7 wildfires in Steamboat Creek Basin.
On July 20, the Umpqua National Forest was closed to public access from Steamboat Creek Basin to its eastern border with the Fremont-Winema National Forest, due to wildfires.
On July 24, I submitted a request to the Umpqua National Forest for a road access waiver into Steamboat Creek Basin, to continue normal FishWatch activities at the Big Bend Pool.
On July 27, FishWatch was informed that its request for a waiver to the public access closure was denied by the Umpqua National Forest, and was ordered to remove all FishWatch infrastructure at the Big Bend Pool as soon as a temporary waiver was authorized to do so by the folks that were managing the firefighting, the CIMT (Complex Incident Management Team).
On August 1, I was informed by the CIMT that a temporary road access permit was authorized to dismantle the FishWatch infrastructure at the Big Bend Pool and to remove the Airstream. I requested permission for the following two days to complete the task.
On August 2, I removed all of the exterior furniture and the kiosk, and prepped the Airstream to be moved.
On August 3, with help from a friend of FishWatch (with a Ford F250) the Airstream was moved back to its shelter at Steamboat.
On August 15, I submitted a second road access waiver request to the Umpqua National Forest, for daily visits to the Big Bend Pool between the hours of 10:00 to 14:00. I received UNF approval for this request, contingent on approval from the CIMT.
On August 19, I received approval from the CIMT to visit the Big Bend Pool daily between the hours of 10:00 to 14:00.